Monthly Development Update - October 2015

Hey there, denizens of Hyboria!  I'm sezmra, Senior Community Manager, here to tell you the latest about Age of Conan development!  Strap in and prepare yourselves, because the spooky month of October is here!

Palace of Cetriss

The Palace of Cetriss continued to receive layers of luster as we polished up the storyline that accompanies the raid encounters.  Some of this includes a few quests in Dragon's Spine that help lead players to the Palace, preparing them for the hefty encounters within!

We received some great feedback on the changes to set bonuses that were discussed in September, and we really appreciate players sharing their concerns!  As a result, Tier 5 set bonuses are available now for purchase with T5 raid tokens, and the requirement to have all four T5 boss-kill achievements has been removed.   You can find these vendors in the Excavator's camp in Dragon's Spine. 

Also, we have increased the weapon drop rate throughout the T5 instance culminating in two more additional weapon drops during a full clear!


Halloween festivities kicked off on October 22 so don't miss out on the celebration!!  By the Light of the Moon and the Festival of Set events both returned this year, and we've even unveiled a new event to provide an extra spoooooky good time!  Are you ready to revisit the bloodied districts in Tarantia's underbelly?

Hadrathus leads the priests of Asura, and his latest mission is to combat a terrible disease which has invaded the Aqulionian capital!  Great swathes of the population have fallen victim to this foul disease, and the priests sense foul play may be at work here.  They have put out a call for aid from the brave and able-bodied adventures of the land to combat against The Shambling Plague!   These instances scale for 1-3 players, and a number of unique vanity items are available for completing the content and achievements for this event.


Looking ahead, we'll continue development on other systems including the previously mentioned upgrades to LFG/LFR, preparing The Palace of Cetriss alternate difficulty setting for the LFR system, the upcoming PvE/PvP arena, and more.


Until next time!
